Help > Admin Help

How do I invite additional users?

You may invite organizational users (admins and overseers) on the main dashboard page. Chapter-specific users (student leaders) may be added from any dashboard page that specifically concerns their chapter. Managers may be invited from the non-oranizational dashboards for specific items. You may also find more detailed information about inviting users on our blog.

What are the differences between user types?

We suggest reading our blog post on the subject for a tutorial on our four types of users.

Is there a limit on data, users, chapters, or requirements?

Nope! Within each dashboard there are no limits on anything within VeriSky. If you can add one of something, it's a sure bet you can add as many more as you'd like.

How can I control privacy?

Privacy is our number one concern at VeriSky. Except for student leaders - who can invite other student leaders to their own chapters - users are only granted access to a dashboard through email invites that are sent directly from an administrator. In addition, administrators may limit privacy for each user by selecting one of four different user types.

I invited a manager and/or student leader but they haven't received an invite yet?

You must publish the requirements before those users receive an invite. This is to prevent students and managers from viewing the requirements before they are finished. If you would like to share your work with a volunteer, staff member, or other manager before it is published, you may do so by clicking the "Share with Managers" button and select which manager(s) you would like to invite early. All users will be invited when you hit "Publish."

How do I edit or delete a user?

To edit a user or change the user's type, just click the blue pencil icon next to their name in the user list. To delete a user, click the red X next to their name in the user list.

How often are reminder emails sent to users?

Student Leaders will receive a reminder 10 days before a requirement is due, with a follow up reminder sent 5 days days before a requirement is due, and a final reminder sent on the due date. If a student does not submit a requirement for approval on time, both the student and the manager assigned to that requirement will receive notifications 1, 3, and 5 days after the due date.

How do I develop custom reports?

There is a custom report function that allows users to generate a spreadsheet style report using a number of different variables. Additional report templates have been included in the reports section as well. If your organization is in need of a custom report that is not yet available on the site, please email We are happy to develop custom report templates for your organization free of charge.

What is the document share?

The document share is a great place for sharing documents with all of your users. Items such as policies, procedures, standards and calendars are the most commonly shared documents.

One of my managers is not fulfilling his or her responsibilities of approving completed requirements, what can I do?

If a student submits a requirement for approval, but the manager assigned to that requirement is unresponsive or unavailable, you as the administrator have the ability to act on that requirement in his or her place.

How do I pay my bill?

You may setup an autopay account online using a credit card or debit card. Your card will be billed once a month. If you wish to pay by check, please email

Is my credit or debit card information secure?

VeriSky uses a third-party payment processing service called Stripe for handling credit and debit cards. Stripe is certified as Level 1 PCI compliant, which is the highest level of compliance and security there is for service providers. Credit and debit card information is only ever sent over a secure SSL-encrypted connection. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

How do I cancel my service?

You may disable one or more dashboards at any time by emailing Upon cancelling, all users associated with your organization will no longer have access. If you would like to export data from the system, please contact We will continue to store your data for at least two years, so if you do cancel, your data may still be available for export later. All data export services are provided free of charge.